

The amount of credit enhancement that CGIF is able to provide a bond issuer is contingent on CGIF’s credit strength.  CGIF’s credit strength is measured by its credit rating.

CGIF is required by its Operational Policies to secure the highest possible credit ratings and to maintain these through prudent and sound financial policies.

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The financial statements provide detailed information and notes on our income, financial position, cashflows and changes in equity, alongside a report from our independent auditors. CGIF emphasizes transparency and responsibility in our operations. We invite you to browse our financial statements.

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CGIF’s Annual Report is prepared by CGIF Management upon the directive of the Board of Directors and submitted to the Meeting of Contributors pursuant to CGIF’s Articles of Agreement. This redacted version includes the reports of the Chairperson, various Board Committees, and the Chief Executive Officer. The Independent Auditor’s report and financial statements also form part of the Annual Report.

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CGIF is a key component of the Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI) of the ASEAN+3 cooperation. It has been established to promote economic development, stability, and resilience of financial markets in the region. As of 30 June 2024, CGIF has issued guarantees to 77 bonds and sukuks amounting to a cumulative total of USD 3,452 million by 52 corporates in 12 of 13 ASEAN+3 member countries.

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