September 13, 2023

IFR Asia: Local Currency Debt Financing Roundtable

The IFR Asia Local Currency Debt Financing Roundtable will take place in London Stock Exchange Group, One Raffles Quay #28-01 North Tower Singapore 048583 on the afternoon (14:30 SGT) of Thursday, October 26, 2023. Moderated by IFR Asia’s Editor Daniel Stanton, an expert panel will discuss how borrowers are using Asian local currency bonds to meet their financing needs, and where the value lies.

Topics to be covered will include:

  • Which local currency markets offer the most depth and breadth for issuers? What limitations are there?
  • How have the dynamics of the local currency markets impacted the overall Asian debt market?
  • How are international investors looking at local currency bond markets?
  • How are borrowers using ESG labels and new structures, such as retail bond sales, to attract investors?
  • How have regulators and governments encouraged the development of their local currency bond markets?

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